Thursday, September 10, 2009

LOL @ myself


What a way to start blogging. I am not all that in to politics, but I had just been reading all about the President's speech last night (couldn't bring myself to watch it).

So I was a little fired up.

Hopefully, the bulk of my posts will be much, much lighter.

How about that WoW? Actually, I am done with WoW until the next expansion. I have done everything that I wanted to do for now. And given that I have a ton of high level characters, I don't really want to do it all again.

Here is my roll-call;
Level 80 Shaman (my light raiding toon)
Level 80 Mage (my first level 80- fun for PVE, but got pulled into playing my shammy)
Level 75 Warlock
Level 72 Warrior
Level 71 Hunter
Level 70 Rogue (my very first toon... about a week after the game came out)
Level 70 Paladin (my last toon that I got to 70- in about four days played - sick)
Level 70 Death Knight (but who doesn't have one of these to 70?)
Level 65 Druid (my bank toon- just a boring character for me)
Level 70 Warlock (a bunch of RLF got together and all created a horde toon with close to the same name - our goal was to play battlegrounds and it was a blast. Then people started dropping out and it faded away. But probably the most fun I had on WoW- we destroyed!)

I have "quit the game" or "pulled the needle out" on a few occasions. But this is the first time that I don't miss it. True, it's only been about a week or so - but I have done nearly everything in the game. Never been one to do hardcore raiding- just no patience or desire to sit there for hours on end for the chance of any kind gear upgrade.

But Lord of the Rings Online is a blast. I never thought I would say that, but it's true. I had started playing LOTRO while still in beta and kept going for the first month... soon the game had become boring and a little frustrating. There were many times that I would just drop a quest because I couldn't find where to turn it in. So back to WoW I went.

But this time, there have been numerous improvements- quest tracking integrated in the game. I love the idea of the traits. It's been great so far. I am only level 15 as of today. I don't feel the draw that I had with WoW, which may be for the better.

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